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Oriscus.com provides web-based educational information resources, primarily in the areas of Musical Instrument Information, Nonprofit Technology Planning, and Arts & Culture Resources. Our relationships with our users are always intended to be non-judgmental and informative.

Disclosure of Oriscus Business Relationships.

Oriscus (sm) has affiliate and sponsorship relationships with a number of businesses. It is our intent to be objective and forthright with you, our users. In the interest of full disclosure, you should be aware that the following relationships exist between Oriscus.com and these businesses. Our policy is not to allow these relationships to affect editorial content. Know that we have accepted these relationships because we think they will be of benefit to both our business and to you our users. If there should be a potential conflict between these businesses and any recommendations we make in our educational mission, we will try to make that clear. But this page serves as a caveat should our relationships not be completely evident. If you have any complaints about any of our business partners, please let us know so we can maintain only quality relationships.

Please read our Disclaimers about links to websites outside the Oriscus.com domain.

Google ads appear on this site and on the Google search results pages. The content of these ads is not controlled by Oriscus and we are not responsible for any company or product whose ads appear on our pages. Oriscus receives a small commission when users click on these ads.

Amazon.com is a large Internet-based business whose primary products are books and other media as well as many other products and services. We are an affiliate vendor for Amazon.com. Links from our site to Amazon.com are generally coded to indicate to them that you are being referred from Oriscus.com. Any purchases made from Amazon.com from our links may result in a small portion of your purchase price being returned to us as an affiliate commission. This commission does not affect your purchase price in any way. It is our intent only to provide links to relevant, useful materials. Many of the materials we recommend are not available from Amazon.com or any other affiliate-based vendors. Potential payback is not a criteria for our recommendations.

Orion Bluebook provides large databases of price and value information about general musical instruments, vintage guitars, audio equipment, computers and other items. Except for vintage guitars, most objects in their databases are by mainstream manufacturers made within the last 30 years or so. You will need to know the exact manufacturer and model number as there are no tools provided for determining this kind of information. Information provided usually includes original manufacturer's retail price (if known), current retail and dealer prices as determined by dealer surveys, with a range depending on condition. This information is useful for establishing a fair price for your object for purposes of selling it or documenting insurance value (check with your carrier to determine if this is sufficient documentation). Orion Blue Books charges a fee for this information of which Oriscus.com receives a small percentage commission.

Blue Book Publications - Blue Books Publishing provides a similar service to Orion Bluebook. Their musical instrument databases are confined to acoustic and electric guitars and amps. They have a number of useful free resources on their site relating to manufacturers. They answer specific questions or give written appraisals for a fee. Oriscus.com receives a percentage of any product or service you buy through our site link.

Ebay is by far the largest online auction site. It connects sellers and buyers of anything imaginable from over the world. There is a huge market in musical instruments on Ebay. Some are exceptional bargains, while many others are not worth the shipping costs. When you join Ebay and make a transaction using any of the various links from the Oriscus domain, we may receive a small commission.

Half.com (AKA half.ebay.com) is an online store that is operated and owned by Ebay. It similarly connects buyers and sellers, but in this case they are primarily connecting buyers with dealers of media, including books, recorded music, movies, computer software, etc. Some if this merchandise is new and some is used. Oriscus receives a small commission on transactions completed through the links on our domain to Half.com

HalfPrice Hosting - The Oriscus.com website is hosted by HalfPrice Hosting. We are generally very satisfied with their service and technical support. If you sign up for hosting through our banner link, Oriscus.com will receive a small commission.

Sponsorships - Oriscus.com is actively seeking other sponsorships and service contracts. Our standards of business ethics dictate that these relationships also be divulged to our users as they develop. If you would like to know how you can support our work, please see our support pages.

Please read our Disclaimers and Privacy Policy.

Last updated 11/07/21